There's been cause for celebration in our family
this term because the middle child has started her first full time job. A
child's financial independence is always an exciting time for parents but this
one is special. Not only has Sophie landed a job - she has joined the family
business and become a teacher! And for this term, she is working in our school,
with us!
This was the child who swore black and blue,
despite her obvious aptitude for teaching, that this was a job she would NEVER
do. Bought up in a household with two teachers, she always had a very realistic
view of what life at the chalkface is like. She knew about the long hours, the
lack of recognition, the absolute certainty that she would never be rich on a
teacher's wage. She knew that many times the needs of other peoples' kids had
come before her own and she swore not to take on that sort of commitment
herself. When she finished school with a score that put her in the top 2% of
the state, she had the choice of any course she wanted, so off she went to
make a million dollars in the media industry.
And then, suddenly, she grew up and realized that
life is not all about making money. That a life fulfilled is one that makes a
difference to the world and one way you can contribute to a better planet is by
creating better people. She remembered that whether by nurture or nature, she was
already a great teacher and so off she went to get another degree.
And now, not only has she joined 'the' family
business, she's teaching in my old classroom! In the same classroom that I
taught her. A room that still has her rainbow fish art work on the wall from
year 5 and 2 bookshelves cluttered with teaching memorabilia from my 16 years
at the school.
I'm brimming with pride at her professionalism and
enthusiasm. I love the fact that her teaching style is so like mine - she's
already raising an authoritarian eyebrow with flair - and that she's at work
early so the day is organized and she's willing to adapt to any task, with any
class because she knows that she's a teacher of students, not subjects. But,
I'm also a little afraid for her.
Teaching is a tough gig and it's getting tougher by
the year. I've spent countless nights looking after sick kids on camp,
countless dollars providing materials and food and experiences for kids who
couldn't afford them. In my 35 years in the classroom, I've been sworn at, spat
on and kicked. I've had chairs thrown at me and I've been abused on the phone
and in my own home by parents who haven't liked me calling their children to
task over minor or major misdemeanours. I've counseled and cajoled, pleaded and
pushed kids to get their work done, hand their homework in, learn their lines,
do their best. I've cleaned up tears and urine and faeces and more vomit than
you can imagine (Did you know it's impossible to get all the vomit out of the
eyelets of leather boat shoes?). I've written countless referrals to doctors
and lawyers and human services looking for help for kids with special needs.
Even after they've left school, I've written glowing references and sourced
scholarships and work placements. I've survived 6 major curriculum changes driven by politicians who don't have the faintest idea about education and on top of that I've taught fire safety, road safety, cyber safety and safe sex. There are days when I despair and wonder if I
wouldn't be better off in a child free, 9-5, leave your work at work sort of
Do I really want this lifestyle for my own
You bet! Because even on the worst days, there's
the happy drawer (see the next paragraph) and the absolute confidence that no
matter what, you've done your best to improve the outcomes for the kids you
teach and surely some of that care and love has rubbed off on them.
So, on World Teachers' Day, here's a little
indirect advice to our newest teaching graduate and all her cohort of eager,
enthusiastic young teachers. Hindsight is valuable and there's some lessons in
teaching that you don't have to discover on your own!
1. Leave your ego at the door. Kids are difficult
and discerning customers. If you do your job properly you become invested in
the kids you teach. They become part of your life. As a class teacher you often
spend more time with them than their parents do but you are not and never will
be their parents. To be a good teacher you need an ego that is robust enough to
let you think you can teach anyone, anything but you must also be egoless
enough to know that you'll rarely be credited for the success. Occasionally,
you will come across a grateful child, a thankful parent. Their gratitude will
feel like sunshine. Drink the wine they give you, (the real gems will know
that you like red wine, not white; dark chocolate not milk), and keep their thank you
notes. Put them in a 'happy drawer' and whenever you have a really bad day, get
them out for another read and let their words wash over you. One day these kids
will become engineers and nurses and doctors and lawyers and electricians. Some
of the best will become teachers. Watch their progress on LinkedIn and bask in
their success from afar.
2. Keep your cards close to your chest. If you
think some of the kids are tough, wait till you meet their parents. The car
park mafia are your greatest enemy. In the carpark waiting for pick up, at cricket training or netball on Saturdays, at dinner parties, in the supermarket, on Facebook, these are
the places where teachers reputations are built or destroyed. All parents were
once school students and some of them feel this gives them absolute knowledge
of what is right and wrong with the education system and your teaching. If you
continue to teach in the country, there is no escape from this. Be careful how
much of yourself you divulge in the first few years. Kids have a wonderful
ability to misinterpret and put their own perspective on your words before they
repeat them at home. For this same reason, also be wary of the stories they tell you
about their parents!
Of course, parents will also be your best ally. When
parents and teachers work together and support each other, kids thrive and you
will come across many wonderful parents. You'll learn to tell the difference
between the snakes and the champions but it will take you awhile. After 35 yrs, I still get it wrong sometimes. In the meantime, be polite, be fair; even in
the face of irrational anger or accusation, respond always with calm
logic and good pedagogy. Just like you, parents just want what's best for their child.
3. Get involved. This is not news to you. Some of
the richest learning, for students and teachers, happens outside the classroom.
Camps, productions, sport, school events, shared interests; in these environments you
really get to know your students and can teach them lessons that relate to
their present and future lives. Embrace every opportunity to share extra
curricula experiences.
You already know that not all teachers are created equal
and you will come across the 9-3.30, 'don't let the door hit you on the way out'
variety. This will frustrate you but it's the way of the world. Every
organization has a blend of those who do a lot and those who don't do much.
These teachers have empty happy drawers. Model innovative and inspiring
practice and sometimes others will follow.
4. Practise your mask. Teachers are always 'on'.
The kids don't care that you had a busy weekend, that your dog died, that
you've had a fight with your partner. They need a smiling face, an enthusiastic
voice and an engaging activity. The classroom is a performance space and you
have to be able to transform character in a blink. At any given time you'll
need to be a psychologist, nurse, confidante, bus driver, cook. Don't be afraid
to dress up, get dirty, play games and laugh. The kids will still know you're
the boss when you're wearing a dinosaur onesie.
5. Be kind. As Maya Angelou once said, 'They may
not remember what you taught them but they will remember how you made them
feel'. Teaching is an emotional business. It's hard to deal restoratively with
a kid who's just sworn at you, wrecked your lesson and distracted everyone else
but staying calm and dealing with the behaviour rather than the child is vital.
Be kind, be compassionate, give authentic feedback and suggestions for improvement. Remember that for some kids, school is the safest
place they know. Start each class afresh and never hold a grudge. Even the
worst behaved child might surprise you one day.
Keep learning; never stop. Build networks with your
friends, your colleagues, online. Read, discuss, think, reflect. Enjoy.
Welcome to the firm Sophie. Happy World Teachers' Day.
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